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Weightlifting Resources - Reading, Podcasts, Videos etc.

Canterbury Strength

Hi Everyone, we thought we would start to compile a list of useful Weightlifting resources for anyone who is interested! Of course there are loads more than what we are putting here, we plan to add to this list too! If you have any to add which you enjoy, please let us know!


Catalyst Athletics - Weightlifting Life Podcast

(not currently posting but loads available)

Weightliting House Podcast

The Sinclair Debate

Ben Burgeron (Crossfit Coach) - Chasing Excellence

Julie Foucher (Crossfit Athlete + Famil Medicine Doctor) - Pursuing Health

All Things Gym - ATG Podcast

The USA Weightlifting Podcast



Skilful Weightlifting. John Lear. 1991 (A&C Black Publishers)

Weightlifting For All Sports. Antonio Urso. 2014 (Calzetti-Mariucci Editori)

Conditioning Young Athletes. Tudor Bomp & Michael Carrera. 2015 (Human Kinetics)

The Weightlifting Book. Tamas Feher. 2019

Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches. Greg Everett. 2016 (Catalyst Athletics)

Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. Haff & Triplett. 2015 4th edn. (NSCA. Human Kinetics)

Weightlifting Programming: A Winning Coaches Guide. Bob Takano. 2012 (Catalyst Athletics)

Advanced Weightlifting & Sports Performance Manual. USA Weightlifting. 2015 (Available at <>)

Supertraining. 6th edn. Yuri Verkhoshansky, Mel Cunningham Siff, Michael Yessis (Translator) (2009).

Strength & Conditioning for Young Athletes, Science & Application. Rhodri Lloyd & John Oliver. 2014 (Routledge)

Sport Psychology For Young Athletes. Camilla J. Knight, Chris G. Harwood, Daniel Gould 2018 (Routledge, London)

Understanding Psychological Preparation for Sport: Theory and Practice of Elite Performers. Hardy, Lew, J. Graham Jones, and Daniel Gould. 1996 (J. Wiley)

Sport Psychology: A complete introduction. John Perry. 2016 (John Murray Press, London)

Olympic Weightlifting: Cues & Corrections. Daniel Camargo. 2014. (Catalyst Athletics)

Starting Strength - Basic Barbell Training. Mark Rippetoe. 2011 (The Aasgaard Company)

Practical Programming For Strength Training. Mark Rippetoe. 2014 (The Aasgaard Company)

Developing Power. Mike McGuigan. 2017 (NSCA. Human Kinetics)

Periodization - Theory & Methodology. Bompa & Haff. 2009 5th edn. (Human Kinetics)

Periodization Training For Sports. Bompa & Buzzichelli. 2014 3rd ed. (Human Kinetics)

Modern Weightlifting & Powerlifting. George Popplewell. 1978. (Faber & Faber Ltd.)

Sport Psychology for Youth Coaches, Developing Champions inSports and Life. R, Smith & F, Smoll. 2012. (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.)

Sport Coaching Concepts, A Framework for Coaching Practice. J, Lyle & C, Cushion. 2017 2nd edn. (Routledge)



IWF - Internationl Weightlifting Federation

IWF - World Weightlifting Magazine

British Weightlifting

EWF - European Weightlifting Federation

EWF - Scientific Magazine

Eleiko - Resources

Catalyst Athletics

Takano Weightlifting

Weightlifting House

Under The Bar

California Strength

All Things Gym

Inside the Games - Weightlifing

Olympic Channel





Global DRO (check your medication)

Informed Sport (research supplements)


Youtube Channels

California Strength

Catalyst Athletics


All Things Gym

Olympic Channel


Kit Suppliers

Hookgrip Store

Sports Shoes

WIT Fitness


Rogue EU

Eleiko Strengthwear


Quizzes & Calculators

California Strength Weight Category Quiz

Waxman's Calculator

Ratios Calculator

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